woensdag 6 mei 2015

La Balance.

Oil on canvas, 80/65cm.

4 opmerkingen:

  1. I must confess that it was hard for me to find the balance between heart and brain; emotion and reason, a handicap that used to blear my vision under some circumstances, in the past. After some fife-lessons, I still have got more heart than brain which is something good for the others, but not always so good to myself, but my vision isn´t bleared anymore.
    Emotion and reason have to walk together, because if you'll let your heart command everything, people might walk over you. But reason without any kind of emotion might be not many miles away from cruelty.
    Theres an excellent book called "Descartes' Error" written by a portuguese neurocientist about the need not to overlook the importance of emotions in the process of human knowledge and behavior.
    I specially liked this painting. A complex inter-action between vision, brain and heart.
    Bom fim de semana, Willy.

  2. wow, great you are modern picasso,
    really interesting expression
    good feelings for weekend

  3. He estado mirando cada pintura y me gustan,,los colore y contrastes,,lo que llega a mí..
    Este igualmente destacas el cerebro,el ojo y el corazón

    Para mí lo primero es ver y el cerebro junto al corazón no siempre tiene por que ir juntos..Te digo esto porque muchas veces lo he echo así y se sufre,,a veces hay que separarlos por nuestro bién y el de los demás

    Gracias por compartir
    Me hace reflexionar
    Con cariño Victoria

  4. Very amazing painting with beautiful colours !!!
    Happy weekend Willy !!!
